Week 11

Blimey this cold is hanging around, Mummy keeps telling me it will be gone soon but I’m beginning to doubt her ability as a nurse. Its really hard to breathe when I’m having my milk and I feel rotten when I wake up in the morning. Mummy was given a new playmat for me this … Read more

Going backwards?

Last week it was all going so well – we decided that we really needed to get a routine properly sorted with Beanie Boy and Little Bean.  One that worked for them but one that worked for us too!  And just like that, they slotted right into it and made Mummy and Daddy very proud.  … Read more

Second baby syndrome?

Do you think there is such a thing as second baby syndrome?  When you have your first child, everyone and their dog is banging down your door to come and visit, to have cuddles with your little bundle of joy.  They come bearing gifts and for weeks your house resembles a Clinton Card shop! Perhaps … Read more

A dangerous weekend?

On the whole I wouldn’t say that I’m accident prone, when I was little I went to kick a hoola hoop I’d dropped on the ground in the back yard, missed the hoola hoop and kicked the raised drain cover and REALLY hurt my toe!  In my early twenties I went to kick a door … Read more

Routine is the key!

Routine is the key! 1

I think we’re starting to make progress!  We are now 10 weeks into our new life with Beanie Boy and things are starting to settle down a bit.  Last week he actually slept through 4 nights in a row, it would have been 5 night including last night if Little Bean hadn’t shouted out in … Read more