What it’s like to have a child who doesn’t eat

Too early for terrible 2s!

It’s been nearly 11 years since my journey with attempting to feed Lillie began, and it hasn’t got any easier; in fact, if anything, it’s getting worse. She’ll grow out of it As a small child, I was forever being told: “she’ll grow out of it; my daughter was a picky eater at that age”. … Read more

Who knew a family walk in mud could be so traumatic?

Family walk

Sunday morning here was a beautiful (but freezing cold) sunny morning. We pretty much spent our morning snuggled up at home chilling out which isn’t something we do often. As a family we are always running about here and there, seeing people, doing jobs or getting to clubs/parties/events and the like. This year I want … Read more

A week of birthday celebrations for Little Bean

Birthday celebrations

Why celebrate your birthday for one day, when you can stretch it out for a week?! We began Little Bean’s 8th Birthday celebrations on the Friday before her birthday. It was the last day of the Half Term holidays so I had all of the Beans at home with me. I dropped the boys off … Read more