20 weeks

Its been a busy week this week and I’m shattered! We started off the week with a visit from Mummy’s friend MumtoC and C himself, I like her lots she gives me great cuddles and makes me laugh loads. Little Bean and C had lots of fun playing together and we got to go to a soft play centre (not that I could do anything) but it meant I got more cuddles with Mummy and MumtoC because the others were busy playing.
On Tuesday we went to playgroup and I played with some coloured things (Mummy said its Lego?) and went to listen to story time with Mummy’s friend D. Best of all at the end we do lots of singing which I LOVE! I laugh lots and lots, my favourite song is the Grand Old Duke of York because Mummy marches me up and down.
On Friday we went to London with Cafebebe and Little Miss. I didn’t get to do much, well I can’t can I, I’m just a baby but lots of pretty ladies kept smiling at me and telling me I’m gorgeous, cute and have beautiful big eyes – I could listen to them all day. The funniest thing was when Mummy went to sit on a stool next to Little Bean and totally missed it, she landed in a heap on the floor but my Mummy is so clever she didn’t drop me so I gave her a big smile because I love her very much!!
20 weeks 1
And then today I’ve been to a birthday party which looked like lots of fun, again I couldn’t do much but I loved watching all the big children running around and I really liked it when they played with the parachute thingy, it made pretty colours. Then I saw this pretty handsome chap stood behind Daddy . .

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