#Funfest16 exceeded our expectations . . .

Funfest Summit

Yesterday was a first for Little Bean and me, we went to FunFest blogger summit at Whittlebury Hall near Northampton for the first time. I wanted to attend last year but unfortunately it coincided with a family occasion. FunFest is the only bloggers conference where you are actively encouraged to take your children with you so I … Read more

A day at The Stables with friends #MummyMattersSummer2016

The Stables Pony Parties

During the second week of the Summer holidays the Beans and I caught up with friends and had a few days at home. Top of our list for a catch-up was a trip to Skegness to see MumtoC and her kiddies. This time around we had a ride along the coast to Sutton-on-Sea, somewhere I … Read more

Digital Avengers Teens fight Cyber Bullying

Cyber Bullying

No matter how young your kids are, if they have online access in the form of a smartphone, a tablet or a laptop, then they are at risk of being cyberbullied, or witnessing someone else being cyberbullied or of bullying someone themselves. It is far easier to bully someone online than in real life. Statistics … Read more

The Beans making the most of Bluestone Activities

Bluestone Wales

Normally when you get rain on your holiday it pretty much ruins it if you’re in the UK but at Bluestone Wales, it didn’t matter one bit. Sure enough, sunshine would have been a bonus but it certainly wasn’t a necessity. Bluestone Village Centre After a great night’s sleep, we awoke on our first morning … Read more