How can I keep my children safe online?

children safe online

In today’s society, it is almost impossible to walk down the street and not see at least one person with their head buried in a mobile device. Gone are the days of sitting together around the television or computer, families now live in a constantly connected world. According to a recent Ofcom Report, 62% of … Read more

Keeping kids safe online this summer!

Stay safe online

With the Summer holidays in full swing there are bound to be times that your children will be online chatting with friends, playing games against strangers and hanging out in chat rooms but how do you know that they are safe? Sadly, for all those who go online with the genuine plan of making friends … Read more

Top 5 things to do on your mobile phone . . .

Nokia Lumia

Everywhere you look these days there will be at least one person near you with a mobile phone in their hand. I often look and wonder what they might be doing on their mobile phone, are they simply texting, reading emails, are they playing games, reading books, listening to music . . . the possibilities are endless. My … Read more

Facebook friends, ‘Like’ it or not: How to stay in control of your kids’ social sharing

Facebook friends, ‘Like’ it or not: How to stay in control of your kids’ social sharing 1

By Jim Brock, VP Privacy Products, AVG Technologies When it comes to looking after our kids online, how do we balance the need for monitoring, teaching and potentially blocking at the same time as giving them space to explore and express themselves freely? At the end of the day, we all have to come up … Read more

Why the internet is this ‘Mum’s best friend’

Why the internet is this ‘Mum’s best friend’ 2

For modern Mums like myself, the internet is a necessity. I use the internet EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. I use it to check my emails, to manage the family diary, pay bills and even to do my grocery shop. I check up on symptoms when one of us is poorly in the middle of the night (although I … Read more

StorkUp – The social shopping experience for Mums!

StorkUp – The social shopping experience for Mums! 3

When you become a Mum the word ‘social’ takes on a whole new meaning especially if you stay at home for the first few precious months with your new baby. I remember when Little Bean was born that once the excitement of our new baby had passed, the visitors dwindled and suddenly I was left … Read more