Protecting Your Little One’s Ears

Ear Care

Every year, 12% of children have an ear infection, which is the top reason that infants need a course of antibiotics. An infection can be extremely painful and distressing, especially for babies and toddlers who aren’t able to express what is causing them discomfort. With children under the age of three, an ear infection can sometimes … Read more

Do you have any #VicksTricks to combat the family colds?


Eurgh Winter! On the one hand I love it when we get to close the curtains early and snuggle in for the night but with that comes dreaded cold and lurgy that go round and round and round. As a family of six with children at three separate schools and Hubby at work, we catch … Read more

Live your dream for a day with #SunPatDreams Competition


Everybody has a dream! {Is it just me or does anyone else hear the guy from Pretty Woman in their head right now? “Hey, what’s your dream?”} Everyone has a dream right? When I was younger I didn’t dream of being a popstar or travelling the world, I didn’t set my sights on being a … Read more

Get bigger savings at Poundworld Plus

Poundworld Plus

On Friday Jelly Bean and I visited newly refurbished and renamed store, Poundworld Plus in Wisbech. It is the second Poundworld Plus to open following the Nottingham store in September. Poundworld Plus is part of the already successful Poundworld group but it’s more that just a ‘pound shop’. Approximately 75% of their products are priced … Read more

Ambre Solaire introduces new Anti-Sand Spray and Wet Skin lotion to Easy Peasy Kids range

Ambre Solaire

So far the Summer has been quite kind to us with regards to the weather. Sure we have had the odd days of cloud or rain but on the whole, it’s been hot sunshine, and I mean REALLY HOT sunshine. I’ve had to be much more on the ball with regards to keeping them all … Read more

Why Parents Should encourage their Children to Take up New Sports


In a time of tablets, the internet and video games, it can be difficult to persuade your children to get outdoors and get some fresh air and exercise. Many children now spend hours on end looking at some kind of screen, and this is not good for their development and health. This is why they … Read more