Dyson Small Ball Multi Floor DC40 Upright Vacuum Cleaner

Dyson Small Ball

Being introduced to Dyson vacuum cleaners through my blog has revolutionised cleaning in our household. Prior to Dyson, we had only ever bought small cylinder vacuum cleaners which we felt were doing a good job. Then we used Dyson and we haven’t looked back, each time we vacuum the carpets they aren’t just cleaned, they … Read more

Top 3 Lightweight Strollers

ABC Design Takeoff stroller

Boohoo, my ‘baby’ has turned 3 and the realisation that our baby days are almost behind us is setting in as I write possibly my last Pushchair wishlist. I’m starting to realise that I am now responsible for carrying my own handbag and shopping (as well as all the non-essentials the Beans insist on taking … Read more

Can’t bear to part with your baby’s outgrown clothes?


If you can’t bear to part with your outgrown baby clothes (I still have 99% of all of my Beans’ outgrown clothes!!) then Oobicoo the soft toy tot is your answer. There are four Oobicoos to choose from; Ollie, Orla, Olwyn and Ed, each with their own set of interests. They are cuddly lifesize friends … Read more