018/365-2013 – Substitute for sand?

018/365-2013 – Substitute for sand? 7

The day dawned with unexpected clarity, the morning light revealing a landscape free of frost and remarkably dry. Yet, as if by some playful winter magic, within mere hours, a flurry of snowflakes transformed our garden into a wintry wonderland, just in time for the little ones’ post-school adventures. Excitement was tangible in the air, … Read more

Packing my Yippydada Changing Bag for Hospital

Packing my Yippydada Changing Bag for Hospital 9

I should start this post by apologising, I actually videoed this before Christmas (hence the big Christmas tree backdrop!) but for the life of me I couldn’t remember how to get the video from my camera to my computer!! Anyway, my brain finally caught up and I have managed to download the video to share … Read more