Are You a Tired Parent? Try These Fantastic Ways to Stay Energized
Parenthood is a full-time job, but you must also ensure you have enough energy to do what is expected. Poor time, energy, and money management have dire consequences.
Parenthood is a full-time job, but you must also ensure you have enough energy to do what is expected. Poor time, energy, and money management have dire consequences.
I wouldn’t change my role as a Mum to my gorgeous Beans for all the money in the world, my Beans mean everything to me and I shall always be grateful that I have been lucky enough to have such amazing children BUT that doesn’t mean that every day is easy. It doesn’t mean that … Read more
I’m tired. My head hurts and I feel very flat. A few nights ago I was watching You’ve Been Framed with the Beans (they LOVE You’ve Been Framed) and one of the clips made resonated with me. It was a clip of a hamster running super fast in it’s wheel and then the wheel became … Read more
Bearing in mind this is my third baby you’d think I would have a pretty good idea about what happens during pregnancy and when but with baby brain, each pregnancy feels like the first. At the time you think you will remember every single detail of your pregnancy but sadly over time, you do forget … Read more
Since Little Bean began her school journey, we’ve been navigating a sea of exhaustion and the behavioural challenges that come with it. Despite my pride in how well she’s adapted to school, especially considering she only knew one other child initially, the toll on her energy is evident. She’s made friends quickly, which is heartening, … Read more
I should start this post by saying that I CHOSE to be a stay-at-home Mum and I am very happy with my choice. To quote a friend recently, I BECAME a Mum, to BE a Mum. I didn’t choose Motherhood so that someone else could bring up my children and benefit from the joy that … Read more
A question for all you bloggers out there – do you ever feel like you’re trying too hard with your blog and getting nowhere. That’s where I kind of feel that I am at the moment. Perhaps its because I’m spending a lot of time at home with the children, trying to avoid all the … Read more