Have a Cracking Christmas with Paperchase


Paperchase is a shop that I have loved for a long time, not only do they sell gorgeous stationery which is perfect for a stationery hoarder like me but they have great gifts too. Little Bean is following firmly in her Mummy’s footsteps and will always ask to go in there when we have a … Read more

Step inside Boots Emporium and discover the latest #BootsBeauty treats


As Queensgate Shopping Centre in Peterborough was starting to turn off lights and pull down the shutters, one store was welcoming their VIP customers by invitation only to the unveiling of their special new shopping experience, Boots Emporium. We were greeted at the door with a choice of bubbly or pink lemonade and then directed up the escalators … Read more

Little Bean’s #AquaBeadsParty fun with friends


I mentioned over the Summer holidays that I was a little worried about Little Bean as she had said on more than one occasion how she was feeling lonely and desperately wanted a Sister. I explained to her that whilst I couldn’t provide her with a Sister, I could invite some of her friends around … Read more

#Funfest16 exceeded our expectations . . .

Funfest Summit

Yesterday was a first for Little Bean and me, we went to FunFest blogger summit at Whittlebury Hall near Northampton for the first time. I wanted to attend last year but unfortunately it coincided with a family occasion. FunFest is the only bloggers conference where you are actively encouraged to take your children with you so I … Read more

Project 366 – Week 26 2016

Project 366

Grandad’s 70th Birthday celebrations were still in full flow on Sunday, we managed to squeeze as many out of days as possible not returning home until 6.45 pm so the Beans went straight to bed ready for school the next morning. We had all had a really lovely time together as a family with lots of great memories … Read more

Parenting and Primary School crushes?

Little Bean

Little Bean is now coming to the end of her third year at school and up until now has had a couple of ‘crushes’ on boys, two boys in particular but they have both been the ‘popular’ boys who barely seem to notice that she exists (my heart breaks for her). Just when you think that … Read more

A week of birthday celebrations for Little Bean

Birthday celebrations

Why celebrate your birthday for one day, when you can stretch it out for a week?! We began Little Bean’s 8th Birthday celebrations on the Friday before her birthday. It was the last day of the Half Term holidays so I had all of the Beans at home with me. I dropped the boys off … Read more