A Queensgate Festive Feastival

A Queensgate Festive Feastival 1

Last week I attended a fabulous Christmas Qblogger event at Queensgate Shopping Centre for a Festive Feastival to tantalise the taste buds.  Think speed dating mixed with retailers and restaurants and that was pretty much how the evening panned out. John Lewis We began our journey in the John Lewis Restaurant.  Here we were treated to a mouthwatering … Read more

#CelebratingLife at Peterborough’s NEW Hollywood Bowl

Hollywood Bowl

Ten bin bowling has been one of our family’s favourite activities for as long as I can remember because it’s perfect for all ages and abilities. Last night we were invited along to NEW Hollywood Bowl at Sturrock Way in Peterborough (formerly AMF Bowling). Fully Refurbished Since the beginning of May the bowling alley has … Read more

The Secrets to Not Overspending for Christmas

As Christmas quickly approaches, your bank balance may be starting to look dire. Every year we try our best to spoil our loved ones and get them gifts they will really appreciate, but the expense of it all can mean that January seems like a very long month. If you’re tired of scrimping and saving … Read more

Have a Cracking Christmas with Paperchase


Paperchase is a shop that I have loved for a long time, not only do they sell gorgeous stationery which is perfect for a stationery hoarder like me but they have great gifts too. Little Bean is following firmly in her Mummy’s footsteps and will always ask to go in there when we have a … Read more

The tiddlers show you how to dance to Pop Party 10!!!

The tiddlers show you how to dance to Pop Party 10!!! 7

So it hasn’t been all sunshine and roses at our house just lately with most of us being poorly and Daddy being in hospital but then again, we DID have music! Music is the one thing which is guaranteed to bring about fun and laughter in our house, I often use it to make tea-time … Read more