The facts on young people’s mental health

MQ Mental Health Infographic

Sadly mental health is STILL something which has a stigma attached to it. So when I came across this useful infographic created through mental health research I wanted to share it with my readers. As a parent of young children, I worry about their future and how the path of their lives will shape them. … Read more

15 ways to maintain a healthy weight


Maintaining a healthy weight doesn’t have to be all about eating cardboard and relentless dieting. We all want the ‘quick fix’ when we are desperate to get into a bikini for that holiday in the sun or even just to be able to take the children to the local swimming pool. At my ripe old … Read more

Blowing away the cobwebs of 2016 – our family walk at Deeping Lakes

Family fun

One of our favourite things to do over the New Year is to get out for a family walk if the weather permits. We wrap up warm and head off on an adventure. Despite the cold weather, it’s actually still been quite sunny recently and the winter sun is always so nice – especially for … Read more

Getting to grips with my custom orthotics {The Fane Clinic}

The Fane Clinic

You may recall that at the end of the Summer I attended a consultation at The Fane Clinic in Peterborough to be measured for a pair of custom orthotics. A few weeks after my initial consultation I received a call to say that my orthotics had arrived. Fitting Appointment When I arrived at the fitting … Read more

Now you can see me! [Mac In A Sac – Review]

Mac in a Sac

When I was a teenager I would cringe at the idea of a Mac In A Sac or a ‘pack-a-mac’ as they were more often known. As far as us teens were concerned it was tantamount to being a full-on geek but these days they are everywhere and people often have more than one, I … Read more

Beanie Boy and Jelly Bean make EasiYo Greek Yoghurt at home


What is EasiYo? EasiYo is a ‘make it yourself’ yoghurt maker which has more nutritional benefits than shop-bought yoghurt. There are no artificial colours or flavours and no stabilisers in EasiYo, delivering all the benefits of homemade goodness. EasiYo is also gluten free and vegetarian. One of my little men didn’t like the taste initially but … Read more

Live your dream for a day with #SunPatDreams Competition


Everybody has a dream! {Is it just me or does anyone else hear the guy from Pretty Woman in their head right now? “Hey, what’s your dream?”} Everyone has a dream right? When I was younger I didn’t dream of being a popstar or travelling the world, I didn’t set my sights on being a … Read more