Little Bean’s First School Christmas Production . . .

Little Bean’s First School Christmas Production . . . 1

This afternoon a very proud Mummy, Daddy and Beanie Boy arrived early, yes me, EARLY to be sure to get a front row seat to watch Little Bean in her first school Christmas performance. We have been hearing the songs around the home, in the car, at the Grandparents and even just walking around the … Read more

Sign and Symptoms of Concussion in Babies and Children

Sign and Symptoms of Concussion in Babies and Children 2

Every parent has had the sickening feeling when their baby or toddler falls and bumps their head. That slight pause before the screams of pain seems like the longest few seconds ever, there is a relief when the screams come because this means they are alert and conscious. A concussion was always thought of as … Read more

Let the Disney Fairies show you how to have fun this winter

Let the Disney Fairies show you how to have fun this winter 5

(Yes that’s me looking like a whale!!) A few weeks ago you might remember a post I wrote about our family day out spent at Heartwood Forest near St Albans. Well it wasn’t just any old family day out, we were there at the invitation of the Disney Fairies because they know how to have … Read more

An interview with a Disney Fairy: Angellica Bell

An interview with a Disney Fairy: Angellica Bell 6

Well it certainly beats an Interview with a Vampire!! One cold but sunny Sunday morning a few weeks ago, Hubby, Little Bean, Beanie Boy and I set off on our journey to St Albans in search of Heartwood Forest where we would be meeting up with TV Presenter and new Mum, Angellica Bell. Angellica was … Read more

High-Tech Gifts for Children

High-Tech Gifts for Children 7

Technology for children is one of those things which, before becoming a parent myself, I always thought I would try to avoid for my children. I don’t want them growing up too fast, I wanted them to enjoy their childhood and to get their amusement out of ‘real’ toys, not battery powered things which zap … Read more

32 weeks pregnant, can my bump have dropped already?

Week 44

Bearing in mind this is my third baby you’d think I would have a pretty good idea about what happens during pregnancy and when but with baby brain, each pregnancy feels like the first. At the time you think you will remember every single detail of your pregnancy but sadly over time, you do forget … Read more