When kids try dial-up!!

London with kids

Have you ever considered what your children would think to the sound of dial-up? It’s been a long time since we’ve heard that sound ourselves. I remember watching the film ‘The Proposal’ with Sandra Bullock when she asked “What’s that noise?” as the computer was dialling-up to the internet. Way back at the start of … Read more

Bento Lunch Boxes with Capri Sun Fruit Crush


If you know me well, you’ll know that mealtimes are my least favourite meal of the day as far as the Beans are concerned. I never intended for it to be that way, obviously, but over time Little Bean’s dislike for most foods coupled with the boy’s tendencies to copy her have resulted in most … Read more

Brancaster Beach – Day 2 #MummyMattersSummer2015


Seeing that the weather was going to be the same as our previous day, we all decided that a day at Brancaster Beach would be a good decision for day two of our second Norfolk holiday this Summer. We packed up quickly and arrived relatively early (for us). It was much windier on our second … Read more

Brancaster Beach – Day 1 #MummyMattersSummer2015


As a family we are such creatures of habit, we know the places we like, we know the things we love to do and we tend to stick to them. We have been visiting Norfolk for as long as Hubby and I have been together but tend to stick to the places we know because … Read more

5 things you can do for a Mum who is burnt out!


I wouldn’t change my role as a Mum to my gorgeous Beans for all the money in the world, my Beans mean everything to me and I shall always be grateful that I have been lucky enough to have such amazing children BUT that doesn’t mean that every day is easy. It doesn’t mean that … Read more