Supporting Early Printing Skills

Supporting Early Printing Skills

Children pass through developmental stages as they learn to write. Initially, toddlers may wrap all their fingers around a writing utensil like a crayon. Their early printing skills and initial markings are scribbles as they experiment with writing and colouring. They may show a preference for writing with a certain hand, although hand dominance is … Read more

It’s oh-so-quiet . . . Picnic date with my boy


I’m kind of going to be blogging a little bit backwards over the next week or so as I’ve been having internet problems (damn you BT) which has made me fall behind with posts about our activities over the Easter Holidays and they were all so good that I have to make sure that they get … Read more

Getting your pre-schooler ready for school

learn to write

In September as many young children excitedly start their journey into school-life, Beanie Boy will be heading to a new pre-school for his third year as he is a September baby who has just missed out on starting school by a matter of weeks. In some ways I think it’s good that he will have … Read more

So much Little Tikes to choose from at Asda

Little Tikes

If you don’t have young children yourself but you do have children to buy for, it can be daunting knowing what to buy them but with Little Tikes you can’t go wrong. Little Tikes toys are all about learning through fun and they are built to withstand the not-so-gentle nature of their audience. Little Tikes … Read more