Girl’s bedroom styling tips on a budget

Girls bedroom styling

In Little Bean’s nearly 9 years she has had 4 bedrooms and has pretty much stuck with wanting a girly pink bedroom, until now! Right now we are in the process of re-styling her bedroom to make it look less ‘little girl’ and more grown up to match her developing personality. The cost can quickly … Read more

A Teen Box Room Makeover for International Wallpaper Week

Teen Box Room

We have lived in our current home for a little over 6 years now and during that time each of the Beans has had their bedroom decorated 2-3 times. I’m a firm believer that children should be given the chance to decide how their room should look. Obviously, when they are very young it’s not … Read more

How to create a ‘Romantic Bedroom’ in 7 easy steps

Romantic Bedroom

Whether you are married, engaged, living together or still looking for love, being in an intimate relationship is a special union which should be treated as such. It’s so easy when decorating your home to overlook the bedroom as it’s the room in your home that is seen by visitors. Our bedroom was the last … Read more

Project 366 – Week 13 2016

Project 366

As we rose from our beds on Easter Sunday the sun was shining was more with the promise of a bright (but chilly) day. Nanna came around at 11am and the Beans began their annual Easter Egg Hunt around the house with much excitement. We then enjoyed an early lunch before heading out for a … Read more

Project 366 – Week 7 2016


Sunday was of course Valentine’s Day and I was woken by my lovely Hubby shortly after 9am with scrummy breakfast in bed, poached egg and salmon on toasted bagels, as well as a beautiful card, a large bouquet of yellow roses (my favourite) and some lovely gifts. We had a relatively chilled day at home … Read more

Design the Perfect Teen Girl’s Bedroom with These Tips

Teen Girl Bedroom

Designing the perfect teen girl’s bedroom is something you should not rush into. This will be the place your daughter will be staying in for a number of years so you want to get the whole design process right. When you’re finished working in this room it should be a comfortable, stylish and fun place … Read more

How do you feel about the quality of your sleep?


Sleep seems to be a common topic of conversation since I became a parent. From the moment your baby is born, everyone who greets you and your newborn will say “awww isn’t she/he cute, how are they sleeping?”. We’ve had a mixed bag with all of our Beans, we have used the same bedtime routine … Read more