Making the most of my Brows with Benefit Brow Launch #QBlogger


When I look back at my Wedding and Honeymoon photographs, just before I fell pregnant with Little Bean I’m shocked by how much my face has aged over the past 8 years. Must be all those sleepless nights!!! Before having the Beans I rarely left the house without make-up on but in recent years this … Read more

Project 366 – Week 26 2016

Project 366

Grandad’s 70th Birthday celebrations were still in full flow on Sunday, we managed to squeeze as many out of days as possible not returning home until 6.45 pm so the Beans went straight to bed ready for school the next morning. We had all had a really lovely time together as a family with lots of great memories … Read more

Celebrating Father’s Day and Family Time

Project 366

Sunday was Father’s Day and the children always get very excited about giving presents to anyone, you’d think they were the ones receiving presents. I love that they love to give as well as receive. We enjoyed a pretty lazy day together around the house and then in the afternoon popped over to Nanny and … Read more

Entertaining the kids this May Half Term

Project 366

With the May Half Term holiday stretching out before us we enjoyed a trip over to Birmingham to the Sea Life Centre and had a great day. This time the ‘event’ was Mister Maker and the Beans loved it, they had lots of fun watching all the sea creatures swimming around in their tanks and … Read more

Finding time for me with Boots and Liz Earle #QBlogger


Last Saturday morning I had been invited to pop into my local Boots store in Queensgate to meet with Nisha in the Beauty Department who wanted to tell me about a few of their latest ‘must-have’ beauty treats. Whilst I was waiting for Nisha to pop down from her office I got chatting to Stuart … Read more

Get up to date on fashion for your night out away from the kids

Mum's Night In

The kids are with their grandparents, your hubby’s been sent to the pub with a tenner and a packet of dry roasted peanuts, and the girls will be round for the night, wearing their glad rags and kitted in the finest cosmetics a parent’s purse can afford. Without the occasional night on the tiles, life … Read more