15 ways to maintain a healthy weight


Maintaining a healthy weight doesn’t have to be all about eating cardboard and relentless dieting. We all want the ‘quick fix’ when we are desperate to get into a bikini for that holiday in the sun or even just to be able to take the children to the local swimming pool. At my ripe old … Read more

What are your health goals for the remainder of 2016?


At the start of the year many people feel the need to have a ‘New Year’s Resolution’ which generally relates to drinking less, losing weight, giving up smoking, spending less money or perhaps spending more time with family and friends. This is all great but generally a few months into the New Year the novelty wears … Read more

Finding my love of exercise again #getfitat40

Mummy Matters

At school sport really wasn’t my thing at all, I did it because I had to, not because I enjoyed it although I did enjoy Cross Country and I got pretty good at it. I was even chosen to represent the school in a Regional Cross Country competition, I didn’t win it but I came … Read more

Apps for Mums

Apps for Mums

There are lots of apps on the market for soon-to-be mums, and new mums. Where you want to track your baby’s development and progress, or have some time to yourself, or losing the baby weight, there’s apps for everything. Apps on the market The bump, which is available in both iTunes and Android, is an … Read more

Merry Christmas Mummy Matters readers – here’s a FREE Cookbook xx


Christmas is a time for great feasts filled with some of the yummiest foods. But not all Christmas food needs to be fattening and unhealthy. Discount Supplements have compiled a variety of recipes for those traditional Christmas foods, each with a nutritious twist. Amongst the recipes you will find the likes of high protein gingerbread … Read more

Reasons why you need a fitness tracker

Fitness tracker

Fitness trackers have grown in popularity over the last couple of years. This is partly down to more people becoming aware of the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle. Even people who exercise daily, but sit a lot, are at risk of health problems. They have been termed “active couch potatoes”. The gadgets are therefore … Read more

‘Lettuce’ get fit and fabulous in 2015!

Baby Kale

Please forgive me the super cheesy title but I just couldn’t resist!! Have you missed me? I haven’t blogged since before Christmas as I have given myself a well-earned break and coupled with that, the whole family have been completed knocked out by flu this festive season and we are still not over it completely. … Read more

Back on the health kick with Breville Blend Active


I was a really good girl throughout the Summer months, friends and relatives would have seen me spamming their timelines with pictures of my healthy breakfast and lunch smoothies which helped me to lose the majority of my longstanding baby weight but then something happened, my smoothie maker broke. It wasn’t a particularly high powered … Read more