Stokke Crusi with sibling seat saved my sanity!

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I have loved my Stokke Xplory forever, it has travelled everywhere with Beanie Boy and I. There was one problem with it when Jelly Bean came along though, there was nowhere for Beanie Boy. He is 2 years old now and although he does love to walk, he still gets tired easily and will often … Read more

Pink Lining Travel Bag Review

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I might not be your average woman when it comes to shoes but bags?!? Well that’s a different kettle of fish altogether, i LOVE bags. Big bags, little bags, handbags, changing bags . . . . So when it came to packing my hospital bag ready for Jelly Bean’s grand entrance I needed to find … Read more

A babymoon – travelling when pregnant


The recipe for a delightful babymoon that will imbue you with a sense of placidity requires a few simple components; these are sun, rest, a little luxury and a lot of pampering. With the essential ingredients noted, where to go with your bump? The answer is the Indian Ocean; renowned for its faultless beauty, idyllic … Read more