How to prepare your child to be a big brother or sister
Be careful about how you share the news with your child when they are to become a big brother or sister. Here are a few useful tips to help you with this task.
Be careful about how you share the news with your child when they are to become a big brother or sister. Here are a few useful tips to help you with this task.
With the imminent arrival of Royal Baby Number two for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge I’ve been asked by baby brand Johnson’s for my top tips on introducing a new baby to older siblings after they carried out research of UK parents for their top tips for settling into life with as a family … Read more
And so it begins, the hunt for Christmas presents is on with only just over 10 weeks to go until the big guy hops into his sleigh! The Beans are already getting excited about Christmas and have started collecting catalogues in the shops we visit so that they can start cutting out pictures of the … Read more
Jelly Bean has been the very proud owner of a Stokke Steps highchair for a few weeks now and he/we are very happy with his new addition. We were first introduced to the Steps when we attended the launch back in January. It was the first that I had heard that a new seating system … Read more
I have loved my Stokke Xplory forever, it has travelled everywhere with Beanie Boy and I. There was one problem with it when Jelly Bean came along though, there was nowhere for Beanie Boy. He is 2 years old now and although he does love to walk, he still gets tired easily and will often … Read more
Waking up at home this morning was lovely, I had missed how Little Bean and Beanie Boy would wake me up each morning with a kiss and a cuddle. This morning they were so excited to have us home and wanted to give their baby brother a big kiss and cuddle too. Look at how … Read more
How much do babies cost? They look at you with their saucer-wide eyes and smile as if butter wouldn’t melt in their mouths. Ahh, babies. In a loving sense they are priceless, even when they the drool on your shoulder, or fling food across your face. Nevertheless, they still cost money – read on … Read more
For the last few weeks the tiddlers have been excitedly asking me and Hubby most days “when is Jelly Bean going to come?”. When you’re talking to a 2 and 4 year old it can be quite difficult to explain about due dates and babies coming early/late. Then we struck upon an idea! In the … Read more
I can’t believe my baby is in a high chair already! Today really brought it home to me just how much and how quickly Beanie Boy has grown. I was able to visit a friend today who gave birth to her little boy on Sunday and he was the same birth weight as Beanie Boy. … Read more