Homeschooling with Babies and Toddlers
I’d like to offer some tips to make homeschooling with babies and toddlers a bit easier and to make sure that everyone’s needs are being met
I’d like to offer some tips to make homeschooling with babies and toddlers a bit easier and to make sure that everyone’s needs are being met
Parenting toddlers can be a challenge, here are some ideas to get you through those days and the home adjustments that may be required over time.
The UK’s Biggest Baby & Toddler Show is returning to Sandown Park, Surrey from 6-8 October The Baby & Toddler Show, supported by Emma’s Diary, returns to the South East this October and with it comes all the shopping and expert advice new and expectant parents need to give their baby the best start in … Read more
Awwww it’s that time of year again when all you lovely new parents/parents-to-be can get together at the Baby and Toddler Shows being held in Manchester (6th to 8th March) and the new venue for the South East, Sandown Park (17th to 19th April). As you may or may not know, the show attracts the … Read more
Earlier this week my friend Karin at Cafebebe said she had a HUGE favour to ask me. She needed to go to London on Friday (today) and didn’t have anyone available to look after Little Miss for day, was there any chance I could have her? Now don’t get me wrong, I love Little Miss … Read more