Get bigger savings at Poundworld Plus

Poundworld Plus

On Friday Jelly Bean and I visited newly refurbished and renamed store, Poundworld Plus in Wisbech. It is the second Poundworld Plus to open following the Nottingham store in September. Poundworld Plus is part of the already successful Poundworld group but it’s more that just a ‘pound shop’. Approximately 75% of their products are priced … Read more

Have you discovered the Power of Frozen?


If you have clicked on this post hoping to find stories of Anna and Elsa then I’m afraid you will be sorely disappointed. I’m talking about the Power of Frozen food. I was recently invited to work with Iceland to see if they could show me the benefits of frozen foods and we were happy … Read more

Share your best Freezie and you could win £50 Iceland Vouchers!

Stephen Mulhern Freezie

Stephen Mulhern is challenging the nation to share their best freezie faces, as part of a new social media campaign. As the temperatures across the UK plummet and the nation shivers in the coldest weather this year, he’s not talking sledges and snowball fights. Stephen will be asking the nation to open their freezers and take … Read more

Meals made easy with Riverford Veg Boxes


I’ve often heard of other people who buy in vegetable boxes and I think it’s a great idea for a healthier lifestyle if you’re a ‘foodie’ and know what to do with stuff but I’m not a foodie. I like food but I’m not often inspired by it so if I received a random box … Read more

Tesco Brand Guarantee: Never pay more for your Branded Shop


If you haven’t been into your local Tesco in the last couple of days then you probably won’t have heard about their new Brand Guarantee which vows; Customers will never pay more for their branded shop. Many stores nowadays offer price matching but generally you are the one who has to do the legwork for … Read more

I spy money saving with the Food Saver

Food Saver

I had never heard of the Food Saver until an email landed in my inbox just before Christmas asking if I would like to try one out. We all know that Christmas is a time when there is a lot of leftover food going spare – day old Turkey sandwich anyone? As a family we … Read more