6 Most Striking Benefits of Google Bard in Comparison to ChatGPT
Google Bard is a generative AI chatbot, one of a few we got recently, but the real question is how does it fare in the real world? Below are some of the benefits of using Bard.
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Google Bard is a generative AI chatbot, one of a few we got recently, but the real question is how does it fare in the real world? Below are some of the benefits of using Bard.
When it comes to promoting your products on Instagram, it’s extremely effective because Instagram is a visually appealing social platform. Your potential buyers would recall more of a high-definition photo or video than a wall of text. The brain processes visual information faster than text-based content. Therefore, you can make the most out of Instagram … Read more
When Lillie was little dolls never really held her interest, she wasn’t so much into ‘babies’ but as she got older, she became much more interested in ‘fashion dolls’. Dolls where she gets to put her fashionista skills to the test, putting outfits together and being creative. Introducing the Snapstar Squad Launching in Tesco stores … Read more
A parental control app is so important nowadays, with the number of children’s devices at home and school. It seems increasingly challenging to monitor their activities online. The ideal would be to accompany them when they use the internet, whether they research school work, play online with their friends, watch videos, or download music. But, … Read more
Most of the businesses of today use the Instagram platform successfully for their brand and product promotion, simply making the best use of the platform and the features that it offers. Instagram, as such, provides businesses with a lot of opportunities to reach out to a larger number of audiences all over the world much … Read more
Young people getting their first phone will have a new way to help them have a happier, healthier, more positive life online – with the new BBC Own It app.
In a world where our children’s heads are ducked into their smartphones, it does not make them protected even if they are under the same roof as you. Their smartphones are a window to the outside world, so to get in trouble, they don’t have to be physically outside anymore. Even if you are around … Read more
If you are anything like me your phone will never be far from you, not specifically so that you never miss a call or a message but so that you have a camera on hand to grab those special moments the second they evolve. Each time I upgrade my phone I always make sure that … Read more
How often have you visited a washroom to find it less than satisfactory? With the Cleen App you are able to report issues straight away.