Beanie Boy’s first bug!

Yesterday, my adorable little man turned 7 weeks old! Time seems to be flying by – can you believe it? It’s hard to grasp that next week, he’ll be 8 weeks old and due for his first vaccinations. These milestones are bittersweet; they remind us how quickly our little ones grow. However, yesterday was not … Read more

Could this be a growth spurt??

What a day!!! It’s funny how things never work out as you planned . . . The day started at around 8 a.m. this morning when Hubby woke me to say goodbye as he left for work, and Beanie Boy woke up for his morning feed. Little Bean was already up and playing with her … Read more

Baby Blues and Kindness!

For the past two weeks I’ve not been feeling myself, those who know me would probably describe me as cheeky, cheerful, chatty, confident and outgoing but becoming a mummy for the second time around has changed me slightly. Don’t get me wrong, I totally love my children and they really do make me very happy but … Read more

Not a successful day!

My plans for today were originally to spend the dsy with my friend and her 6 month baby boy but yesterday she rang to say that he had a temperature so it was best not to chance it with Beanie Boy. I was gutted but it made sense so I arranged to meet my good … Read more

Testing, testing . . . .

Well the start to family life with three children has begun and on the whole has gone relatively smoothly, Beanie Boy is very laid back and just seems to take everything in his stride.  Curly has stepped into his role as the big, big brother very well and is both loving and protective towards his … Read more