How to Create Healthy Eating Habits in Your Kids

Cooking with children

As parents, all we want is for our kids to be happy and healthy. While there are many factors to consider here, one essential way of ensuring their wellbeing is establishing healthy eating habits from a young age. If you have a kid and are not sure how to approach this often tedious task, keep … Read more

Reasons To Quit Eating Heavy Snacks In The Evening

Unhealthy snacks

There are a few excellent reasons to quit eating heavy snacks in the evening at home or in your office. It would help if you remembered that snacking’s primary objective is to beat your pre-mealtime hunger pangs. However, that should not fill your stomach to such an extent that you feel like skipping dinner, which, … Read more

Project Mamma – Weight Loss Programs For Busy Mammas

Project Mamma

Long before I became a Mum myself I remember visiting my cousin who had just given birth to her first child. She had always been petite and perfectly formed, so when I saw her less than a week after giving birth back in her size 8 jeans I took it that’s what happened after you … Read more

A great day starts with Ready Brek & Despicable Me3

A great day starts with Ready Brek & Despicable Me3 1

When your day starts at 6am you need to make sure that you have a good breakfast because it’s a long time until lunch! Now I’d love to say that I get up with my children at 6am . . . but I don’t! I’m not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination. Hubby … Read more

Getting Your Five a Day: Natural Ways to Lose Weight

Calorie counting

You’ve started to reduce how many calories you’re consuming, and you’re actively trying to increase how many calories you’re burning. But you still don’t feel like you’re getting anywhere with your diet. Sound familiar? That’s because so many quick-fix diets, faddy eating regimes, and lose-weight-quick programs just don’t offer you the benefits they say they’re … Read more

Teach Important Lessons to Your Children by Growing an Indoor Garden

Indoor Garden

You can go to the grocery store less often and eat more healthy food if you grow it yourself. A small patch of dirt, water, seeds, and patience is needed to watch a garden grow. However, Apartment dwellers and some owners can’t always grow gardens outdoors. They could have limited natural light or live on … Read more