A creature of habit . . .
Not many days pass by that my gorgeous Little Bean doesn’t fail to amuse me, but today, I have observed what a creature of habit she is.
Our Lillie is no shrinking violet, in a family of boys she has a lot to put up with but she certainly gives as good as she gets.
Not many days pass by that my gorgeous Little Bean doesn’t fail to amuse me, but today, I have observed what a creature of habit she is.
Try saying this after a night on the tiles, Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy! Also known as Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy. In short, it is better known as a PUPPP rash. When PUPPP strikes! Hand on heart I had NEVER heard of such a thing before my first pregnancy with Little Bean but … Read more
On a typical weekday, she will be a Mummy’s girl, but more often than not, at the weekend, she will wake up to Daddy’s face and be a Daddy’s girl for the rest of the day.
She’s a total busybody and will NEVER just sit and chill out, so at the slightest hint of sunshine, she now declares “side”, which in Little Bean language means “outside”. She runs off to fetch her trainers (even if she’s in her PJ’s!!) and will charge around the garden finding things to do.
My day started around 8.30 am when I was woke to the whisperings outside my bedroom door of Curly saying to Baby Bean “you go and give this one to Mummy”. The bedroom door then opened and Baby Bean came running in, closely followed by Curly shouting “Happy Mother’s Day” and both of them thrusting … Read more
Whilst walking today, Hubby and I decided that tonight would be a good time to tell Curly that he was going to be a big brother all over again.
Who’d have thought that years later this family fun handprint artwork would still be on our bathroom wall? We didn’t stop at adding just one more pair of hands!
A wise person once told me “trust your instincts” and they were right because Mum knows best. Read on to discover my biggest tip for new parents.
What can boys not resist? A challenge!!! And so it started, I said to Curly “I bet you can’t run to the next lamp post in 10 seconds” – so off he ran.