Big Brother Knows . . . . .

For those of you that don’t know our family dynamics, Curly is my stepson from Hubby’s first marriage. Curly stays with us every other weekend and every Wednesday night – but of course, this weekend is a special one, its Mother’s Day tomorrow so he is with us for half of the weekend. Today he has spent the day with us and rightly so, he is spending tomorrow with his Mum.

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Today being my “early Mother’s Day”, Hubby took us for a family picnic and day out at Sandringham which was lovely. The kids chased each other through the woods and generally wore each other out (we’re not daft!), finishing off with time in the play area – just to be sure they were well and truly shattered!

Whilst walking today, Hubby and I decided that tonight would be a good time to tell Curly that he was going to be a big brother all over again, so whilst sitting around the laptop tonight looking through the photos we had taken today, I managed to slip into the slideshow the scan pictures. We asked Curly what he thought the photo was and his face was a picture, his little cheeks went slowly crimson and a smile crept across his face and he quietly said “a baby?”.

We asked him why he was smiling so much and he said “because I’m going to be a big brother again aren’t I?” and then he continued to giggle. We asked him if he thought this was good news and he said he thought it was brilliant but he hoped this time it would be a little brother.

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He then went really quiet for about 5 minutes and just kind of stared at his plate, Hubby asked him if everything was ok and did he want to say something, he just replied “I’m trying to think of some boy’s names for the baby”. He then asked if he could phone his Nanny to tell her that he was going to be a big brother again, he is so excited and that is such a relief. Not that we didn’t think he would be pleased as he loves Baby Bean to bits but you never know do you!!

We are both so pleased, he has gone to bed with a lovely smile on his face and I’ve had a great “early Mother’s Day”.

3 thoughts on “Big Brother Knows . . . . .”

    • This post seems to have “got” a lot of people, I still so touched by his reaction. This morning when he went to school he kissed goodbye to Baby Bean, then me and then kissed my tummy and said “bye bye Bump” – bless him!! x

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