Summer Holidays – Day 3

Summer Holidays – Day 3 1

When I woke up this morning I had the day ahead of me all planned out in my head and pretty much the only thing which went according to plan was Little Bean going to playscheme. I had planned on staying at home this morning and doing more housework but something has been driving me … Read more

Summer Holidays 2013 – Day 2

Summer Holidays 2013 – Day 2 3

We have had a somewhat quieter, more relaxed day today. Little Bean attended Playscheme this morning along with some of her classmates, I really want to keep up her contact with school friends through the holiday and hopefully to help cement some of friendships further. Playscheme is great, I drop her off at 9.30am and … Read more

I survived day one of the summer holidays – with a smile!

I survived day one of the summer holidays – with a smile! 4

I have had mixed emotions as the summer holidays have drawn closer, on the one hand I’ve been looking forward to having all the children at home, to think of all the adventures we can have together and the memories we can make. But on the other hand, they can be quite a handful when … Read more