The first time . . . anyone reads this post, Pampers will donate the cost of 3 vaccines to UNICEF!!

The first time . . . anyone reads this post, Pampers will donate the cost of 3 vaccines to UNICEF!! 1

I’m a bit of a sentimental old fool really, I keep everything which holds a special meaning to me and I have a memory like an elephant because I never forget a thing (we’re talking memories here – I’m rubbish at remembering special dates!!). I still remember the first time . . . I went … Read more

Get social and grab big discounts online with

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If you have never stumbled across a ChoiceDiscount store before you have been missing a trick. You might have seen my previous post for ChoiceDiscount and my love for their stores and even more for their discounts. Well now Choice is launching the all-new website. will be home to exclusive, online-only themed sales … Read more

Look what we found on our Autumn walk!


I received a letter home from Beanie Boy’s new preschool asking if he could take in any little ‘treasures’ that he might find whilst out walking as they are talking about Autumn now. Well, we often go for a walk around our village and the Beans are always bringing something home with them so last … Read more

Baby Annabell Rock-a-bye Baby

Baby Annabell

And so it begins, the hunt for Christmas presents is on with only just over 10 weeks to go until the big guy hops into his sleigh! The Beans are already getting excited about Christmas and have started collecting catalogues in the shops we visit so that they can start cutting out pictures of the … Read more