Celebrate your little one’s Champion Moves with Pampers and Jessica Ennis-Hill

Jessica Ennis Pampers Little Champions

As a family our baby days are almost behind us, this Summer I am hoping to start the potty training journey with Jelly Bean and this actually fills me with a tinge of sadness. Looking back through old videos and photographs of my ‘babies’ I can’t help but smile and shed a little tear at … Read more

The first time . . . anyone reads this post, Pampers will donate the cost of 3 vaccines to UNICEF!!

The first time . . . anyone reads this post, Pampers will donate the cost of 3 vaccines to UNICEF!! 1

I’m a bit of a sentimental old fool really, I keep everything which holds a special meaning to me and I have a memory like an elephant because I never forget a thing (we’re talking memories here – I’m rubbish at remembering special dates!!). I still remember the first time . . . I went … Read more

It’s time to make a difference: eliminate Maternal and Newborn Tetanus

It’s time to make a difference: eliminate Maternal and Newborn Tetanus 3

Pampers and UNICEF have come together for their eighth year running in their campaign to eliminate Maternal & Newborn Tetanus (MNT). So far the campaign has managed to eliminate MNT in 10 countries which is a huge achievement but we still have a long way to go. This time last week, I travelled down to … Read more