How to ensure safety for your children at home

Children's Safety

And they’re off! A little one’s first time crawling is no doubt a treasured entry in your baby’s development diary. But once the excitement fades a little, it’s time to face the brand-new set of challenges a curious, determined and mobile tiny person presents. Fear not, though, as there are lots of simple steps you … Read more

Let’s Talk Pants with Pantosaurus – Keeping Children safe with NSPCC

NSPCC Pantosaurus

As a parent it’s natural that we should want to protect our children from all the dangers in life but sometimes these dangers can be hard to discuss with children without taking away their innocence. One just topic is sexual predators of which there seems to be an increase (either that or it’s just more … Read more

AVG and The Scouts challenge UK children to ‘Take Six’ before posting online


Launch of the #tk6 campaign for Safer Internet Day encourages smart sharing to avoid embarrassing and permanent online footprints With four children who are going to grow up in the digital age I do worry very much about how it could have a negative effect on their future. They all know that ‘Mummy is a … Read more

SwimFin for confidence in the water . . .

Swim Fin

As the Summer began we were invited to be Swim Fin Ambassadors. I had only seen SwimFin swimming aid a few times via social media but never actually in action so I must admit I was a little sceptical. I could completely understand the concept and I liked that the arms were free of armbands … Read more

How can I keep my children safe online?

children safe online

In today’s society, it is almost impossible to walk down the street and not see at least one person with their head buried in a mobile device. Gone are the days of sitting together around the television or computer, families now live in a constantly connected world. According to a recent Ofcom Report, 62% of … Read more

Keeping kids safe online this summer!

Stay safe online

With the Summer holidays in full swing there are bound to be times that your children will be online chatting with friends, playing games against strangers and hanging out in chat rooms but how do you know that they are safe? Sadly, for all those who go online with the genuine plan of making friends … Read more

Parent’s fail kid’s cycle MOT test


A new nationwide family cycling survey* undertaken by leading children’s bike specialist Frog Bikes has revealed that only 23.6% of parents give their child’s bike an annual safety check and MOT, with a majority (60.6%) preferring ad hoc repairs carried out at home and 15.8% admitting to never subjecting their child’s bike to an MOT. In … Read more