How to Help Your Kids Deal with Anger & Negativity
While temper tantrums are common, frequent anger outburst and negativity aren’t. If left ignored, it could affect your kid’s psychological development.
While temper tantrums are common, frequent anger outburst and negativity aren’t. If left ignored, it could affect your kid’s psychological development.
This is a parenting issue which has come up a number of times in our family and I honestly still don’t know what the best answer is. A bit of background All four of our Beans are very righteous, if they see someone doing something ‘wrong’ then they will be only too keen to point … Read more
Parenting is a constant task of guessing and calculating what to do with your little people, second-guessing what they are thinking and what methods of parenting will work best. When that cute little bundle of joy arrives in your life, they don’t come with a handbook tied to their foot, it’s just a case of … Read more
I completely understand that telling lies is part and parcel of a child’s development and growth but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy pill to swallow. I really do my absolute best to try to bring my children up to be honest, caring and good children but somewhere along the way we seemed to have … Read more
To say that Little Bean’s behaviour is a challenge of late would be a HUGE understatement. It’s rather like living with Jekyll and Hyde some days, one minute she can be the sweetest, kindest little girl and a pleasure to spend time with and in the next second she reminds me of the devil child … Read more
After school pick-up I needed to pop to the supermarket to collect a few bits for the children’s tea. As usual the tiddlers weren’t behaving impeccably (when will I ever learn to go to the supermarket whilst they aren’t with me???) so when we finally made it to the cashiers I told the tiddlers to … Read more
I’ve often heard people say it, but I never truly understood until these recent weeks. Little Bean is nearing the end of her first half-term at Primary School, and frankly, I’m concerned about the changes in her. She was once this sweet-natured, affectionate little girl – yes, with her share of tantrums, as I’ve candidly … Read more
Yesterday was not a good day. It started off pretty pants when I received yet another text message from a friend saying that I was rubbish at keeping in touch and that if I carried on this way I would lose more friends. It wasn’t a horrible text, they didn’t mean to be nasty but … Read more