How can Motivation Maps help your children? Special offer until 31st May 2017


Parenting is a constant task of guessing and calculating what to do with your little people, second-guessing what they are thinking and what methods of parenting will work best. When that cute little bundle of joy arrives in your life, they don’t come with a handbook tied to their foot, it’s just a case of … Read more

What do you do when you know your child keeps telling lies to you?

What do you do when you know your child keeps telling lies to you? 1

I completely understand that telling lies is part and parcel of a child’s development and growth but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy pill to swallow. I really do my absolute best to try to bring my children up to be honest, caring and good children but somewhere along the way we seemed to have … Read more

Could Little Bean’s eating habits be affecting her behaviour?

Could Little Bean’s eating habits be affecting her behaviour? 2

To say that Little Bean’s behaviour is a challenge of late would be a HUGE understatement. It’s rather like living with Jekyll and Hyde some days, one minute she can be the sweetest, kindest little girl and a pleasure to spend time with and in the next second she reminds me of the devil child … Read more

Help!! School is ruining my daughter!

Starting School

I’ve often heard people say it, but I never truly understood until these recent weeks. Little Bean is nearing the end of her first half-term at Primary School, and frankly, I’m concerned about the changes in her. She was once this sweet-natured, affectionate little girl – yes, with her share of tantrums, as I’ve candidly … Read more