Enjoying the sunshine at Sacrewell Farm plus newly refurbished Mill House

Sacrewell Farm

As the Summer holidays were drawing to a close I spotted a deal on our local Groupon site to buy a family voucher for Sacrewell Farm (one of our family favourite days out locally) for just £14 so I bought it there and then. As is usually the case with me and Groupon vouchers I … Read more

A Summer Safari at Pensthorpe Natural Park


Way back in 2012 when we were on holiday in Norfolk we had made plans to visit Pensthorpe but then our plans changed and we found that we didn’t have time to go. When we went back to Norfolk this Summer we made sure that Pensthorpe was one of the first places on our to-do … Read more

Our Fuel Save day trip to Snettisham Park

Fuel Save

You’ll have to forgive me if my posts are a little out of sync since the school holidays, we have been so busy getting out and about that I have been either completely shattered when we get home and I just want to sleep OR we have been camping and caravanning so I have been … Read more

Summer Holidays 2014 – 22nd August – Wroxham Barns

Wroxham Barns

If you have been reading my blog for a while you will know that I have been visiting Wroxham Barns since I was little and used to go on holiday with my Mum to North Walsham. We couldn’t visit Norfolk without visiting Wroxham Barns again and so when I told the Beans that’s where we … Read more