SwimFin for confidence in the water . . .

Swim Fin

As the Summer began we were invited to be Swim Fin Ambassadors. I had only seen SwimFin swimming aid a few times via social media but never actually in action so I must admit I was a little sceptical. I could completely understand the concept and I liked that the arms were free of armbands … Read more

Learning Resources Smart Toss

Learning Resources

Beanie Boy’s favourite game is his Smart Toss from Learning Resources. Quite simply, it’s a beanbag tossing game with lots of different learning possibilities. I love to have activities around to keep them active during the winter months because my Beans are active little monkeys, so they need to have activities to keep their minds … Read more

A Mother and Son day at Warwick Castle with Mike the Knight

Mike the Knight

We don’t get to do it as often as we would like to, but Hubby and I recognise the importance of giving each of the Beans some quality one-on-one time with us, so last weekend, that’s exactly what we did. Jelly Bean spent the day with Nanna; Little Bean and Daddy had a busy schedule … Read more