Not a successful day!

My plans for today were originally to spend the dsy with my friend and her 6 month baby boy but yesterday she rang to say that he had a temperature so it was best not to chance it with Beanie Boy. I was gutted but it made sense so I arranged to meet my good … Read more

Testing, testing . . . .

Well the start to family life with three children has begun and on the whole has gone relatively smoothly, Beanie Boy is very laid back and just seems to take everything in his stride.  Curly has stepped into his role as the big, big brother very well and is both loving and protective towards his … Read more


Just 5 short days ago, my life changed forever – our son Beanie Boy finally came into the world to make our family complete.  It’s so hard to believe that this time last week, he wasn’t here; he was still just a wriggling bulge in my tummy.  Now he is lying peacefully sleeping in his … Read more