Save money on essentials at the Argos Baby Event

Save money on essentials at the Argos Baby Event 2

Haven’t I been here somewhere before?  Shopping for new bottles, mattresses, cotbeds and the like?  I’m getting a bizarre sense of deja vu at the moment but this is one of the things about the arrival of a new baby that I love and since this IS the last time that I plan on becoming … Read more

If anyone needs me today . . .

If anyone needs me today . . . 3

I will be finding out the sex of our baby!!! How quickly does pregnancy go these days? It doesn’t seem five minutes since I published a post on here telling the world that we were to become parents again, and now we are already at the halfway mark (well, unless Jelly Bean – as we … Read more

One week until Lillie will be starting school . . .

One week until Lillie will be starting school . . . 5

Next Monday will be Lillie’s first day at Primary School and whilst I can’t guarantee that I won’t cry as I say goodbye to her, I’m feeling surprisingly good about it at the moment. My little girl is growing up so fast and she CAN’T WAIT to get to school. School Ready She is so … Read more