Carpet Picnic and Movie Treat

carpet picnic

For the past couple of weeks I have been trialling a new Reward System with the Beans in an effort to encourage more favorable behavior from them. Initially it worked perfectly but last week was pretty much a write-off as they didn’t seem interested in even trying to move forwards on their charts. All of … Read more

Easy Tips To Keep The Kids Entertained On Long Journeys

long journeys

As if going on a long trip isn’t challenging enough, it’s even harder to deal with long journeys when spending them with kids. Every parent knows the horrors that a bored child can unleash during a long-distance trip. And that’s just involving one kid. Imagine if you’re travelling with a group of restless children all … Read more

Did the Andrex Clean Routine work for us?

Andrex Clean

New research from Andrex has revealed that 63% of parents don’t think their little ones are fully ready to clean themselves properly after the toilet, without parental supervision before they go to school for the first time and 40% admitted to still wiping their child’s bottom well past their first year at primary school – … Read more