How can Motivation Maps help your children? Special offer until 31st May 2017


Parenting is a constant task of guessing and calculating what to do with your little people, second-guessing what they are thinking and what methods of parenting will work best. When that cute little bundle of joy arrives in your life, they don’t come with a handbook tied to their foot, it’s just a case of … Read more

An open letter to the lady at The Royal Albert Hall xx

Royal Albert Hall

The first I knew of your existence was when I heard your young daughter’s screams as I walked with my children down the stairwell to the toilets following The Great Orchestral Adventure. The next thing I knew your daughter (I assume she was your daughter) had thrown herself across the floor and was flailing her … Read more

Oh hello Terrible Twos, I forgot you were due!

Terrible twos

Take a look at this oh-so-cute smiley little boy and you’d be forgiven for thinking he was a little angel wouldn’t you, like butter wouldn’t melt! Hahahaha that’s the best joke ever!!!!! This little monkey is seriously testing my resolve at the moment, he turned two at the end of January and he is now … Read more

When did we grow up?

grow up

As a parent do you ever find yourself watching your children and seeing a glimpse of your former self? When you see them walking on walls, jumping in puddles or skipping down the street? Do you ever hear yourself saying “get off that wall”, “get out of those puddles you’ll wreck your shoes” or “just … Read more

Thank goodness half term is over!

Half term

I am never normally one to be thankful for the Bean’s returning to school *dashes off to check previous posts* because I look forward to the school holidays and getting my Beans back, planning fun things to do and spending lots of quality time together so this half term holiday was no different. My Mum … Read more