How do you perceive me? The 1 word meme . . .

I have been tagged by my lovely blogger friend TheBoyandMe in the 1 Word Meme. I may regret doing this as I could get all manner of answers that I don’t want to see but its all in the name of personal growth!! It all began with Michelle at MummyFromTheHeart who decided that we all … Read more

66-71/365 – Time to catch up AGAIN!!!

66-71/365 – Time to catch up AGAIN!!! 3

Oh dear I haven’t done very well the last few days at keeping on top of my Project 365. Its not that I haven’t been taking the photographs, my camera is never more than a few feet from my side but I just haven’t got around to uploading them and creating the actual posts – … Read more

The Vomiting Caterpillar

The Vomiting Caterpillar 4

Not a particularly pleasant title today is it? But there is a reason for ‘The Vomiting Caterpillar”, my little man is really making progress with his movements at the moment. When we sit on the floor with him now he will very often sit unaided for a few seconds before leaning on our legs or … Read more

Wii Dance Juniors

Following on from my reviews of Wii Just Dance 2 and Michael Jackson Experience I was offered the chance for Curly and Little Bean to review Wii Dance Juniors. I didn’t need to think about this for long because I was keen to reclaim Just Dance 2 and MJE for myself, afterall they were MY … Read more