LeapReader – Teacher Testimonials

LeapReader - Teacher Testimonials 1

On Wednesday evening Hubby and I attended a meeting at Little Bean’s school to find out exactly what Year 2 has in store for her. As her teacher spoke Hubby and I gave each other little sideward glances, we knew exactly what the other was thinking. This year really steps up a gear for the … Read more

The 20 Most Emotional Milestones for Parents

First day of school

I don’t know about you but I’m a complete sucker for ‘firsts’ when it comes to my Beans. It’s the reason I can’t bear to part with so many of their precious belongings as each one holds special memories for me and just one look at them takes me right back to that moment in … Read more

Keep them healthy as they had back to school!


We are currently trying to squeeze every last minute that we can out of the Summer holidays before the Beans head Back to School. It’s such a strange feeling when they break up for the Summer you feel like you have so much time stretching out before you and now looking back I’m wondering where … Read more

Getting your pre-schooler ready for school

learn to write

In September as many young children excitedly start their journey into school-life, Beanie Boy will be heading to a new pre-school for his third year as he is a September baby who has just missed out on starting school by a matter of weeks. In some ways I think it’s good that he will have … Read more

5 Ways You Can Get Involved in Your Child’s School Life

A great many schools rely on the help of parents to perform a range of extra-curricular activities and excursions. Whilst this help is invaluable, it is also an opportunity for you to keep in touch with your child’s educational and social journey. Getting involved with your child’s school is a great way of showing that … Read more