Jelly Bean’s 4th Birthday . . . in hospital!

Birthday in Hospital

In the days leading up to Jelly Bean’s birthday party for his 4th Birthday, things were starting to go downhill. He came down with a bit of a cough and cold which was going around his friends at preschool and as a result became dehydrated and began withholding his poops again. I preempted the fact … Read more

Let’s hope this continues . . . an update on Jelly Bean’s #problemswithpoop


So as December 2016 kicked off, we were not in a good place with Jelly Bean and his issues with pooping. We ended up at hospital once more spending the day in children’s A&E for a day having X-rays, consultations and eventually another enema. It was yet another draining and traumatic day for Jelly Bean … Read more

So pleased to have my boy back! #problemswithpoop


These past few weeks have been more stressful than I can begin to explain. I always look forward to the beginning of December, getting the decorations up and doing Christmas activities with the Beans after school. Unfortunately things haven’t gone quite to plan this year, as December began I was home alone with the Beans … Read more

Have I failed my children? {Poor eating habits}


I was talking to my Mum last night about how hard I am finding mealtimes with the Beans at the moment. Heck, not even at the moment, I’ve struggled with mealtimes for years. History For those of you who aren’t familiar with the history of my blog and the troubles we have faced with Little … Read more

Jelly Beans #problemswithpoop continues . . . [Scared to Poop]


It’s been a while since I have updated the blog about the battle with Jelly Bean’s #problemswithpoop but I can assure you, the battle is far from over. Potty Training Over the Summer holidays I decided to potty train Jelly Bean in the hopes that it might right itself, I have told you previously that … Read more

Potty Training has begun for Jelly Bean!

Potty Training

I was hoping to have had Jelly Bean potty trained about 6 months ago but his #problemswithpoop have delayed things somewhat. With the hot weather we were having over the last couple of weeks I decided to test the waters a little by letting him run around outside without his pants on and leaving the potty in the … Read more

What do you do when your child won’t poop? #problemswithpoop


This seems to be a question that I am asking over and over again but I’m yet to find the answer. Since Jelly Bean’s last episode in January, things were going well whilst we kept his medication at the level of him basically having runny poops all of the time. He would only pass one … Read more