How to ensure safety for your children at home

Children's Safety

And they’re off! A little one’s first time crawling is no doubt a treasured entry in your baby’s development diary. But once the excitement fades a little, it’s time to face the brand-new set of challenges a curious, determined and mobile tiny person presents. Fear not, though, as there are lots of simple steps you … Read more

Test Your Interior Design Metal


If you’re in the middle of making interior design choices, you’ve probably encountered all of the usual dilemmas and smashed them out of your way.   Which colour scheme should you choose? BANG! Decision made! Do you want closed or open storage? KABOOM! Sorted. Do you want a feature wall and – if you do … Read more

Girl’s bedroom styling tips on a budget

Girls bedroom styling

In Little Bean’s nearly 9 years she has had 4 bedrooms and has pretty much stuck with wanting a girly pink bedroom, until now! Right now we are in the process of re-styling her bedroom to make it look less ‘little girl’ and more grown up to match her developing personality. The cost can quickly … Read more

Convert Your Spare Bedroom into Something More Exciting

Hobby Room

Do you ever feel like your spare bedroom has slowly turned into a temporary storage room for anything that doesn’t have a home within your house? The spare bedroom is one of those spaces that is often wasted and forgotten about, until a relative comes to stay and you give it a quick spring clean … Read more