Pink Lining Travel Bag Review

Pink Lining Travel Bag Review 1

I might not be your average woman when it comes to shoes but bags?!? Well that’s a different kettle of fish altogether, i LOVE bags. Big bags, little bags, handbags, changing bags . . . . So when it came to packing my hospital bag ready for Jelly Bean’s grand entrance I needed to find … Read more

037/365-2103 – Home

037/365-2103 – Home 6

Waking up at home this morning was lovely, I had missed how Little Bean and Beanie Boy would wake me up each morning with a kiss and a cuddle. This morning they were so excited to have us home and wanted to give their baby brother a big kiss and cuddle too. Look at how … Read more

036/365-2013 – Transitional Care/Coming Home

036/365-2013 – Transitional Care/Coming Home 7

I woke up this morning feeling much more human than yesterday. We had a really good night, near perfect in fact. Jelly Bean woke up every 3 hours for a feed like clockwork and because I wasn’t expressing I was able to get straight off to sleep as soon as he had finished feeding which … Read more

034/365-2013 – Transitional Care

034/365-2013 – Transitional Care 10

Returning home from the hospital on Friday, our journey with Jelly Bean took a challenging turn. His labour had been unexpectedly swift, a story I’ll delve into another time, leaving him congested with mucus. Despite immediate skin-to-skin contact and my efforts to nurse, he seemed disinterested, spending most of his first day in a deep … Read more

033/365-2013 – When Jelly Bean met Ella

033/365-2013 – When Jelly Bean met Ella 11

Karin and I have been friends since our girls were just 6 weeks old and we attended a baby music class together. Our girls have grown up together and their friendship is still strong despite the fact that they now go to different primary schools. When Beanie Boy was born Ella was so excited, they … Read more