Summer Holidays – Day 8

Summer Holidays – Day 8 4

Yesterday afternoon I received a text out of the blue from my old friend and colleague J who I *shamefully* haven’t seen in over a year. J sat in on my first interview for my first full time job when I moved to Peterborough and I worked with her for nearly two years. We struck … Read more

Summer Holidays 2013 – Day 7

Summer Holidays 2013 – Day 7 5

Yesterday ended on a pretty rubbish note. Little Bean and Beanie Boy were showing some rather testing behaviour whilst we were at Nanny and Grandad’s house. I came home feeling stressed out and miserable, my tiddlers paid no attention to me at all when I was telling them to stop bouncing on the furniture, stop … Read more

Summer Holidays – Day 6

Summer Holidays – Day 6 6

This morning Beanie Boy realised just how much Jelly Bean is growing and got a taste of things to come as Jelly Bean kept grabbing his t-shirt, hair, face or just about anything he could get his hands on when Beanie Boy was trying to lay with him on his activity mat. Watch out Beanie … Read more

Summer Holidays 2013 – Day 5

Summer Holidays 2013 – Day 5 7

At the moment our mornings are quite relaxing, I don’t have to get Little Bean to playscheme until 9.30am so I’m actually getting there on time BEFORE the school gates open. Now why can’t school start at 9.30am too, I work so much better for having that little extra time in the morning!! Perhaps I … Read more

Confused by car seats? The new regulation ‘i-Size’ all parents should know about

Confused by car seats? The new regulation ‘i-Size’ all parents should know about 10

To put simply, i-Size is a new regulation for child car seats that will make it easier for parents to choose and install the right seat, making travelling safer for children. One of the most significant changes parents need to be aware of, is how long a child should remain in a rearward facing car … Read more