Safe Baby Travel in Cold Weather: Essential Tips for Keeping Your Little One Warm and Safe
Discover essential tips for safe winter baby travel. Keep your little one warm and secure with layering, car seat safety, and outdoor protection.
Discover essential tips for safe winter baby travel. Keep your little one warm and secure with layering, car seat safety, and outdoor protection.
Baby car seats are an invaluable item that expecting parents cannot live without. Despite this need, installation is not always undertaken correctly.
As if being a parent or driving just after you’ve passed your test were not stressful enough individually, combining the two can be enough to drive someone to insanity. Apart from the big expenses involved in a new baby, and a new car, the day to day travelling can be particularly anxiety-inducing, especially when you … Read more
With potentially dangerous situations surrounding your children at home, on shopping trips, and while travelling, it can be a constant challenge trying to keep your children safe. Traffic incidents, in particular, are a leading cause of injury and death in children around the world. Though accidents happen, there are several things you can do to … Read more
Trunki Boostapak is a versatile travel accessory which children can carry themselves, fill with their treasures and can be used on multiple modes of transport.
Whether you’re a new parent or you’re on to your third, fourth or even fifth child, you can never be too prepared for bringing a new-born into the world (no matter how much practice you’ve had). Everything changes from the moment you hear their first tiny cries and instead of thinking ‘now what?’ we want … Read more
To put simply, i-Size is a new regulation for child car seats that will make it easier for parents to choose and install the right seat, making travelling safer for children. One of the most significant changes parents need to be aware of, is how long a child should remain in a rearward facing car … Read more
In July this year I was one of four lucky Mummy Bloggers who was invited over to the scenic town of Hof in Bavaria to be special guests of Kiddy and spend some time at Kiddy Head Quarters. We arrived on a sunny Wednesday lunchtime to a very warm and friendly welcome from Bettina Wuerstl, … Read more