“Do you wanna build a snowman?” . . . “Nope, we want to build a den!!”


Well, to be fair it IS Autumn and there isn’t much snow around, plus we haven’t got magical powers. BUT we have got an imagination and that’s all it takes (ok plus a few random materials from around the house) to make a den!! I have to admit that building dens with my children was … Read more

The real cost of buying your own home

At some point, perhaps in your mid-20s or early 30s, you’ll first think about buying your own home. The trigger point may vary; perhaps friends and family around you are suddenly homeowners, and you want to join their group, or you’ll be sick of seeing your landlord snooping around ‘your’ bedroom or garden on another … Read more

Baby it’s cold outside (but it’s warm under my House of Fraser throw)

Bed throw

I have mixed feelings about Winter, on the one hand I love those days where the sun shines brightly yet low in the sky because it’s gives a beautiful light for taking photographs, I loved to get snuggled up in cosy warm clothes when venturing outside BUT on the other hand, I really don’t like … Read more