Pip Ahoy: Welcome to Salty Cove DVD Giveaway and FREE Activity Sheets

Pip Ahoy

When Jelly Bean gets home from preschool he likes to retreat to the sanctity of ‘the little lounge’ as he calls it, the ‘playroom; to the rest of us! He likes to be alone and put a DVD on whilst he chills out after his busy morning. Being the youngest of four has meant that … Read more

Saltrock Review and Discount Code


As 2015 was gearing up for Christmas we received a rather lovely offer from Saltrock to review items from their website and being a fan of Saltrock we didn’t need to think twice about accepting. Having a quick look through the site I managed to select items for Hubby and the Beans. They arrived within … Read more

Clever Tykes – storybooks to inspire the next generation plus GIVEAWAY!!

Clever Tykes

Anyone walking around our house would notice we have a LOT of books. Books are a gateway to inspiration, knowledge, adventure, fantasy, and so much more. Curly can lose himself for days at a time in a book, and I think that’s a great thing for him to enjoy. The more that Little Bean is … Read more

Star Wars The Force Awakens 1000 Pc Puzzle No: 19 5541

Star Wars

I think we are perhaps one of the only families NOT to have seen the new Star Wars film over the festive period and it’s not because we don’t want to. As usual, it all comes down to lack of organisation on my part and yet another misplaced present!! I seriously need to find better … Read more

Project 366 – Week 1

Project 366

When Project 365 started a few years ago I tried my hardest to stick with it but each time I lost it somewhere during the middle of the year and then I realised about half way through the next year that I hadn’t even started. Admittedly, I should have started Project 366 (it’s a leap … Read more