What it’s like to have a child who doesn’t eat

Too early for terrible 2s!

It’s been nearly 11 years since my journey with attempting to feed Lillie began, and it hasn’t got any easier; in fact, if anything, it’s getting worse. She’ll grow out of it As a small child, I was forever being told: “she’ll grow out of it; my daughter was a picky eater at that age”. … Read more

Have I failed my children? {Poor eating habits}


I was talking to my Mum last night about how hard I am finding mealtimes with the Beans at the moment. Heck, not even at the moment, I’ve struggled with mealtimes for years. History For those of you who aren’t familiar with the history of my blog and the troubles we have faced with Little … Read more

Kindly keep your opinions to yourself #Talesofafussyeater

Fussy Eater

Our issues with Little Bean’s difficult eating have been well reported here on Mummy Matters and friends who know me in the ‘real’ world know all-too-well the troubles that we have had with her. I know that people who do not know me or Little Bean will not know of our issues but I do get … Read more

We’ve been making Weetabix Weetabuddies again . . .

Weetabix Weetabuddies

As children we were always told “don’t play with your food” but nowadays playing with your food is actively encouraged. If food is seen as fun, it’s more likely that it will be accepted and eaten and it is for this reason that Weetabix have created a range of characters called Weetabix Weetabuddies. You might … Read more

Bento Lunch Boxes with Capri Sun Fruit Crush


If you know me well, you’ll know that mealtimes are my least favourite meal of the day as far as the Beans are concerned. I never intended for it to be that way, obviously, but over time Little Bean’s dislike for most foods coupled with the boy’s tendencies to copy her have resulted in most … Read more