7 Mistakes People Make when Planning a Family Holiday

Family holidays are supposed to be times full of fun and family bonding. Yet there are so many mistakes that people make that family holidays gone wrong are a whole movie genre in and of themselves. In this article, we’re going to expose seven mistakes people make when planning a family holiday. We’ll also discuss … Read more

Cambridge Camping and Caravanning Club Site

Cambridge Camping

The first week of our Summer holidays I’m delighted to say was spent enjoying the glorious sunshine camping at Cambridge Camping and Caravanning Club Site. Camping is such a fun way for families to get away from it all and to enjoy a slower pace of life. I have lots of happy memories of camping … Read more

Still looking for last minute cottages?

Last minute cottages

If you’re anything like me then you’ll still be looking to book holidays for this Summer even though we are nearly half way through the Summer break already. Every year I have the best intentions about booking holidays but then I get busy doing things and it goes out of my mind until the holidays … Read more

Settling in for a long weekend at Bluestone Wales #BluestoneBloggers

Bluestone Wales

We were invited to cross the waters into Wales and enjoy a long family weekend at Bluestone Wales. I think I may have actually squealed with delight when the invitation came through as it’s a place I have seen many people visit before but hadn’t had the opportunity to go to ourselves yet. By the … Read more

The Parent Trap: How to save for a Family Cruise

Family Cruise

For years, economists have talked about the the great wealth divide in the UK. In the wake of the great recession, it was even estimated that the richest 10% of the UK population were more than 100 times as wealthy as the poorest 10% of society. While circumstances have improved slightly since then, the UK … Read more

Holiday Happiness is . . . being a #MarkWarnerMum


So let’s be honest here, as a family of 6 with children ranging from 3 to 14 years old, we won’t be enjoying a week’s holiday in a Spa any time soon. Up until June last year all of our family holidays had been spent in the UK staying in cottages, caravans or camping in … Read more

Top 5 places I would love to travel to with my children


The start of 2016 has left me feeling pretty flat; if I’m honest, it just seems to have been one bad thing after another, and I’m starting to lose faith in people in general, so I’m turning my thoughts towards the future and to happier times, times of new adventures and wonder as a family … Read more