5 Garden Stargazing Activities to try with your kids

Garden Stargazing Activities

Mark Westmoquette, Astrophysicist and Zen Teacher gives his 5 garden stargazing activities to try with kids – based on his stargazing books Mindful Thoughts for Stargazers, Stars, and The Mindful Universe. Kids are often fascinated by the night sky. But as adults, we sometimes feel worried about guiding them because we think our knowledge of the stars isn’t up … Read more

Best Virtual Tours for Budding Scientists

NASA: Langley Research Center

Stuck at home? Well, the team at Uswitch have compiled the ultimate list of the best virtual tours for the budding scientist in your family.  From NASA research centres to United Airforce museums you can keep budding scientists happy with tours around the most famous museums and research centres around the world. There have been some … Read more

6 Calming Activities for Toddlers

Calm Activities for Toddlers

A stimulating environment to play and explore helps toddlers thrive, after all, these are the years where they’re into absolutely everything! However, too many exciting activities can lead to overstimulation, making it difficult for your little one to settle after a full-on day. This is why finding a balance between stimulating activities and some downtime … Read more

Active Day Out Ideas for the Family

Active Day out

Getting out and about can be great for the whole family, not just the kids. The weather is starting to improve as spring rolls in, which makes getting out into the great outdoors becomes easier and more appealing. There are some great active days out for all the family to enjoy. I’ve put together a … Read more